The host is a man named Adam Richman, an intriguing character from New York, who has a master's degree in drama from Yale, but has distinguished himself by working in almost every job imaginable in the restaurant business. The premise of the show is that he visits cities around the U.S., and spends a couple of days at some of the restaurants the cities are famous for. At the end of the show, he will take on a "food challenge." These food challenges have included a 7 pound burger, a 13 pound pizza (he had a partner for that one), and a 72 oz. steak. Sometimes, he's able to eat all of whatever he's supposed to. Sometimes he doesn't. Here are the reasons I think the show is so appealing to me and Stephanie:
- There's drama-will he be able to finish the 13 pound pizza, or will he have to forfeit because his partner had to leave the restaurant to puke in the bushes? I am continually amazed at the amount of food he is able to eat.
- There's comedy-if he can't finish his food, he waves a white flag (or possibly a dish towel) in surrender. At the end, he holds a mock press conference where people in the restaurant ask him questions, typically related to how full he feels.
- It's exciting when he visits cities I have been to, like Memphis or Austin. He was in Amarillo, which is only a couple of hours away from Lubbock and comparable in size.
- Stephanie finds him immensely attractive. He tends to get sauce on his face when he is eating, and he has been known to break out in "the meat sweats" from time to time.
- He looks like a guy I used to date, whose name was also Adam.
- It sparks conversation. I showed it to Danny when I was in Vegas over Christmas, and I could tell he was thinking about where he could go to test out his eating abilities.
- Adam often describes the food he is eating, the way a food critic does. Actually, Stephanie hates this part.
You had me at meat sweats.
I have been to that restaurant in Amarillo (at least I think it must be that one). The Big Texan with the 72 oz. steak and where they cut off your tie if you walk in with one, right? Awesome. I also have a friend who ate a 13 lb. pizza. I think I am a perfect candidate to watch the show. Now I need friends.
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