Thursday, July 12, 2012


I interrupt the string of Broadway rants to bring you something from my actual life:

A few weeks ago, a reporter from BYU's paper came to interview me about having a successful relationship.  The irony was not lost on me, thank you very much. I sort of forgot about it until this morning, when the clinic director sent me the link:

Also, in case you are wondering what a humblebrag is, I have included a link to Harris Wittles' explanation on Grantland. I have to warn you, though, that, while Grantland is extremely entertaining, you will probably find yourself wanting back whatever time you spend on it.

And you can all stop laughing now.


Ami said...

I think you made good comments, and I didn't laugh. If being a therapist meant you handle all relationships perfectly, I wouldn't have a son yelling "I hate myself!" at the mall. Right? Right?
Also, I think there should be a separate humblebrag category for moms on facebook:
"OMG, my day was so crazy from deep cleaning every inch of my house, making my daughter's prom dress, and helping my five-year-old with his pre-calc that all I could manage for dinner was herb-encrusted salmon with organic mushroom risotto and wild berries from our garden in a balsamic glaze and creme fraiche. Good thing I'm always up at 5:00 a.m. to hit the gym!"
And the crazy thing to me is that people actually validate it.

Lisa said...

What's really funny to me is that I was the author's EFY counselor back in 2007! Holy crap!