Friday, September 12, 2008

I was tagged!

My friend Ami came up with her own tag and tagged me. Posting this saves me from having to come up with something else to post.

Divulging Tag!

1. Briefly describe something stupid that you've done:

Recently, I was on a train going from Kyoto to Tokyo, and I had to go to the bathroom, but forgot to lock the door, and someone walked in on me. Even in a foreign country where no one knew me, it was pretty scarring.

2. Name something brilliant that you've done lately:

A couple of days ago, I got a craving for tonkatsu (deep fried pork cutlet). Asian food in Lubbock is sub-par anyway. We have a couple of Hibachi steakhouse/sushi restaurants in the city, but that's about it. So I knew if I was going to satisfy this craving, I would have to figure out how to make it myself. So I did. I bought the panko and the tonkatsu sauce (thank goodness for the one pan-Asian market in Lubbock). It wasn't perfect, but it did the job.

3. Write a paragraph out of your journal from five or ten or fifteen years ago, closest to today's date. Feel free to change names to protect your dignity:

Five years ago, I was on my mission. I couldn't find my journal from this exact date, but I found this quote from my companion about an elder in our mission that I thought was particularly good. At some point in my mission, people started living and dying by the Color Code Test, so that's what this is in reference to:

"Then I talked to Elder Stevens*, and he said Elder Davidson* was a blue-yellow. I totally can't date him now!" *Names changed to protect the innocent.

4. What is something you love about yourself (don't worry, no one will think you're bragging):

I love my name. It's only 8 letters long, but people seem to remember it. It alternates consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant, vowel-consonant-vowel, which I think rolls off the tongue nicely. And even though the name Megan is common for people in my age group, I've met very few people with the last name (except for the guy on Heroes).

5. Name a useless talent that you have:

I used to be able to walk on the knuckles of my feet when I was little. I can't do it anymore (I just checked).

6. Tell a short experience that makes you laugh:

The other day, Lubbock got 6.5 inches of rain (a city record) and my friend Erin was driving around the mall parking lot when a huge wake from a truck tore the license plate off the front of her car. So she rolled up her pant legs, put her galoshes on, and waded out to find it. The pictures were awesome!

7. Tag whomever, if you want:

Anybody who reads my blog (all 3 of you, besides Mel and Ami).


Unknown said...

You crack me up! How are you?

Melanee said...

It seems like you forget to lock the bathroom door a lot. I think it's really just a subconscious fear that you have that you'll have a heart attack in there and no one will be able to get to you in time. Or maybe it's because you live alone and don't have to worry about small children barging in on you all the time. Mmmmmm tonkatsu.

Ami said...

Was this forgetting to lock the door experience with a regular toilet or the porcelain hole in the ground kind? I think that would affect my embarrassment factor significantly.
P.S. Thanks for your details of your Japan trip; I loved reading it all. You really got to experience tons of things!

Lisa said...

I'm resisting doing the tag thing on my blog. I will probably end up doing it later, but we'll have to see. It was good to see your new post!
Miss you!
Love you!

Tracy said...

Pretty sure I know what companion said that. Oh the memories.